
Terrorism, burqa, child marriage – this have only been some of the "Islamic" subjects that German society has been occupied with throughout last year. But do these bad news really bear with scrutiny? With regard to Islam, which challenges are awaiting Germany in 2017 and how can those challenges be dealt with, while including Muslims in the process? Mathias Rohe debates stock of Islam in Germany in 2016 in conversation with Christiane Florin from Deutschlandfunk.

With the Emerging Talents Initiative (ETI) of FAU, Hüseyin I. Çiçek's project "Islam and Cold War. The politicization of Islam during the 1950ies in Kemalistic-secular and Islamic-conservative media" is funded.

The Turkish AKP as Islamic movement, religious life in German schools, asylum in Europe or the Austrian Islam Law: The team of EZIRE did research on different topics and scientific problems in 2016  – from a social science, law, Islamic or religious studies as well as from historical perspectives. H...

The Salafist association “Die Wahre Religion” alias “Stiftung LIES” (“The True Religion” alias “Foundation LIES”) was prohibited by the German Federal Minister of the Interior, Thomas de Maiziere, in mid-November. During raids in ten different federate states, more than 200 flats were searched and a...

How is Islamic pastoral care organised in prisons? How is the situation of Muslims under arrest? How can it be improved? And which projects deal with Islamic Pastoral Care at all? Islamic pastoral care in prisons is still in its very early stages, even if there are (improvised) cooperations betwe...

Prof. Dr. Ali Yarayan was awarded an honorary professorship to the field “Civil Law, Commercial Law, Turkish Law and Comparative Law” by the University President of FAU, Prof. Dr. Joachim Hornegger. Since 2006, Yarayan is closely tied into the Faculty of Law of the Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.

The manuel for journalists aims at providing practictal assistance because journalists face the challenge to not hide the problems and conflicts, but also to report well-balanced and fact-based. The contribution by Jörn Thielmann, Managing Director of EZIRE, deals with the topic "Islam and Terrorism".

For ten years, the German Islam Conference has been discussing the integration of Muslims. It has been established as an institutionalized dialogue with the Muslims living in Germany.

Parallel justice, child marriage, terrorism and general doubts about Islam’s ability to accept the European principle of separation of religion and the state – these topics currently determine the discussions of the European public sphere.

According to the German Ministry of Interior, on July 31, 1475 underaged foreigners, and 1152 girls (76,27 %), were registered as married in the Ausländerzentralregister. The biggest group of them is from Syria (664). But many married children also come from Afghanistan (157), Iraq (100), Bulgaria (65), Poland (41), Rumania (33) and Greece (32).