For the newspaper Vorarlberger Nachrichten, Dr. Hüseyin Çiçek, political scientist and research assistant at EZIRE, analyzes the announcement of the Turkish president Erdogan to antedate the parliamentary and presidential elections in Turkey by one and a half years. The new election date is set for ...
In the Austrian newspaper Der Standard, Dr. Hüseyin Çiçek, political scientist and research assistant at EZIRE, comments on the geopolitical interrelations between Turkey and the West.
The relationship between Ankara and Washington had lately been problematic, Çiçek writes. Even though Turkish pr...
Just how peaceful is religion? In a debate with the German newspaper Nürnberger Nachrichten, Mathias Rohe, director of EZIRE, debates the violent potential of Islam and Christendom together with Tarek Badawia, professor for Islamic-Religious Studies and Islamic education at FAU, and Stefan Ark Nitsc...
Since the beginning of the Arab spring, it has become apparent that borders in the Middle East are redrawn. The struggle for power and resources has also framed the Iraqi-Kurdish referendum for independence. In the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Hüseyin Çiçek comments on the backgrounds of the election.
Will the two conflicting Palestinian groups Hamas and Fatah manage to achieve a lasting reconciliation and to establish a united Palestinian leadership? The Carnegie Middle East Center has asked a variety of scholars to assess the chances for reconciliation.
Among them is Mahmoud Jaraba, politica...
Based on the so-called "Rome-III-Regulation", the Danish advocate general at the European Court of Justice has spoken out against the recognition of private divorces based on Islamic law within the EU. He argues that women were not granted the same access to divorce as men. The final judgement of th...
The debate on how to deal with criminal clans that are up to mischief in Germanys main cities and because of whom certain quarters have dwindled to so-called "No-Go-Areas", is not new. Internal security has also been one of the main campaign issues in the state legislature elections of the German fe...
A conference organized by the Frankfurt Research Center on Global Islam (FFGI) on May 05 has examined possible areas of conflict between Sharia Law and German Basic Law. Mathias Rohe, lawyer, Islamic scholar and director of EZIRE, was invited. In an interview with the broadcasting station Deutsche W...
On Sunday, April 16th, the citizens of Turkey voted on introducing a presidential system. This constitutional referendum marks a new pinnacle of political developments in Turkey that have left Western states uneasy. Many fear the country is slowly drifting toward autocracy. Where to is Turkey’s path leading? And what role does Islam play in these new developments? Hüseyin Çiçek, a research associate at the EZIRE, addressed these questions in various contributions for radio and television.
On April 16, Turkey holds a referendum on a planned constitutional reform. The research unit for Turkish Law at the FAU, cooperation partner of EZIRE, has translated all affected text passages of the constitution from Turkish to German and highlighted the planned changes. Their aim: providing an objective basis for debate.