Month: September 2020

Dr. Mahmoud Jaraba, associated member at EZIRE, spent much of 2016 and 2017 doing field research in Salafist networks in Bavaria. The findings of his work have recently been published as "Salafism - the roots of Islamic extremism based on the Friday sermons of a Salafist mosque in Germany" (title tr...

On the news page BR24 on September 16 it has been elaborated on the question, why legalistic-Islamists pose a threat to democracy. According to homeland-security agents, legalistic Islamism, as opposed to Jihadism, was characterized by nonviolence. The aim was rather a permanent infiltration of soci...

On August 12, as part of the forum MuslimDebate by the Alhambra Gesellschaft Mathias Rohe, Law Professor an Islamic Scientist at the FAU as well as founding rector of the EZIRE, participated in a discussion ander the guiding question What is a "political Islam"? Moderated by Eren Güvercin, Rohe disc...