Honorary Professorship Award

On October 18, 2016, Prof. Dr. Ali Yarayan was awarded an honorary professorship to the field “Civil Law, Commercial Law, Turkish Law and Comparative Law” at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg by Prof. Dr. Joachim Hornegger, University President of FAU. “My close relationship to FAU is further strengthened by the award of the honorary professorship”, said Yarayan. “I am very pleased.”
The Erlangen Centre for Islam and Law in Europe (EZIRE) congratulates its long-term research assistant on this award. Prof. Dr. Ali Yarayan, Managing Director of the Research Centre for Turkish law at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, focuses in its research on German and Turkish Civil and Commercial Law (Commercial and Corporate Law, Copyright Law, Trademark Law and Competition Law). Since 2006, he is closely tied into the Faculty of Law of FAU. He studied Law at the University of Freiburg (1995-2000) and co-organized – besides his teaching activities at FAU – various international symposia and conferences. As part of these activities, Prof. Dr. Ali Yarayan published a number of publications and made legal reports for German courts.