Month: November 2016

How is Islamic pastoral care organised in prisons? How is the situation of Muslims under arrest? How can it be improved? And which projects deal with Islamic Pastoral Care at all? Islamic pastoral care in prisons is still in its very early stages, even if there are (improvised) cooperations betwe...

Prof. Dr. Ali Yarayan was awarded an honorary professorship to the field “Civil Law, Commercial Law, Turkish Law and Comparative Law” by the University President of FAU, Prof. Dr. Joachim Hornegger. Since 2006, Yarayan is closely tied into the Faculty of Law of the Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.

The manuel for journalists aims at providing practictal assistance because journalists face the challenge to not hide the problems and conflicts, but also to report well-balanced and fact-based. The contribution by Jörn Thielmann, Managing Director of EZIRE, deals with the topic "Islam and Terrorism".