
Welcome to the FAU Research Centre for Islam and Law in Europe

The FAU Research Centre for Islam and Law in Europe (FAU EZIRE) conducts research and teaching on Islam and Muslim life in Europe from a multidisciplinary perspective. In addition to research and teaching, the FAU EZIRE offers services such as further training as well as advice, expertise and expert opinions. As an FAU research centre, FAU EZIRE is closely linked to the overarching research priorities of FAU.

Is the use of violence legitimized by Islamic Law? Is the Koran calling for the murder of non-believers? And what is the “Islamization of the Occident” all about? These are the questions that Mathias Rohe, founding director of the EZIRE, is concerned with in a new Focus series. In “Faktencheck Islam...

Category: Interview, News, Press review

From 8 to 9 November 2024, the Working Group on Medical Ethics and Islam, together with the Berlin Institute for Islamic Theology and the Society for Arabic and Islamic Law, is organising the international conference Perspectives on the Development of Islamic Law: Philosophy of Law & Islamic Medical Ethics. The conference approaches the two main topics from a theory-led, conceptual perspective (Islamic philosophy of law) and with a practice-orientated and geographical focus on Germany (Islamic medical ethics).

Category: Conference, medizinethik-und-islam, News